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Monday, June 13, 2011

So I really want a KIndle

I have been eye-balling one of these for awhile now, I do love to read and as with everything else I enjoy, i go through phases.  I will read 2-3 books in a row solid, and then not read again for months.  This "erratic" behavior of mine really frustrates me, and I wish there was more I could do to control it.  I love to scrapbook, i love all the beautiful papers and embellishments and i love pictures and saving details of significant events and even just everyday life.  However, I can barely ever get myself downstairs to sit at my table and get anything done.  It is almost too much effort to put myself there, and once I get there, it's not so bad, and often I can actually get a little something done.

So the catch here is do I spend $189 on a Kindle and then maybe only use it 1 week per every month?  Would I read more if I had a Kindle and could just pickup a (cheaper) book wirelessly? 

I don't do the library much, I find that when I actually check out a book, I am less likely to get it finished in the 6 week window than if I actually own the book. 

Anywho, thoughts for the day.

I can't wait to see Brandon and Alyssa today, I have been without them since last Wednesday and they are getting ready to spend a full week and a half with us since their dad will be out of town with his 3rd wife on their honeymoon.  =)

1 comment:

  1. Get one! I'm like you and go through reading phases but I've been on a streak this summer since I got mine. Unless you're a huge traveler, go for the wi-fi only one and spend the extra money on books. :)
