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Friday, April 1, 2011

Loathing the treadmill

Yesterday was a nice day after several cold blustery (oh my Pooh!) days here in Oz. I thought maybe I'd come home and actually jog outside, but it was pretty windy and I didn't feel like fighting that crap, so instead I changed out of my too tight brown slacks-may they fit again soon- and stretched out on the bed for a quick de-stresser with the kitties. It's just adorable how they both want to come in and lie next to me, my younger kitty gives me wet nose kisses and my older man cat licks my face... ALL OVER..... you'd think I'd be grossed out, but I look at it as a two fold process-loving kitty kisses AND a free exfoliation! I told my friend to let me know if she would be going to the Y later so I could join her. It's so much easier to go with someone else for moral support. Honestly, I would have just sat on my ass on the couch all evening if it weren't for her. Although I didn't really want to be home with the kids, the younger ones annoy the hell out of me, so I decided to avoid them by shopping until 8 and then heading to the Y. I worked on the treadmill for about 35 minutes. I was pretty miffed at it once getting off because it said I barely went 2 miles. I know that can't be right, mainly because I was keeping a pace of between 3.2-5.0 mph the entire time, and I have totally been an outdoor runner until recently and I would typically go 2-3 miles in the same amount of time or less. Anyway, I jalked (jog/walked) 4 laps around the track, which is 1/4 mile and then did 7 minutes on the Cybex glider thingy while waiting for my friend who was on the bike. We did some weights and called it a night. I felt pretty good about it and would like to go again tonight, but I don't think I will have time. I am supposed to get my hair done!!!! yayzors! And then the kids go to their mom's house BIG YAYZORS! I will feel a lot better if I can keep this up, I will never be "skinny" but at least I can be healthy.

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